Kids' Corner
Check back often for updates! Here you can find kid-friendly activities, printouts, and resources related to science and more.
Have fun reading blogs about Melvin, Muffin, and science!
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Check out these websites!
National Geographic Kids - Science
Kids Science News Articles
National Geographic Kids - Animals
Kidzone polar bears
Kids Geo - Geology for Kids
NASA Climate Kids
Energy Kids
Science Kids - Electricity for Kids
Math for Kids
Below, you can print out your very own Melvin or Muffin face!
You can color one or both faces and make their bodies by drawing on paper or creating a puppet.
Think about adding a tail and legs with paws.
You might want to use cotton, construction paper, googly eyes, felt, or other materials to bring texture and dimension to your Melvin or Muffin character or puppet.
One idea is to tape or glue the Melvin or Muffin print out that you color to a paper plate to make the face sturdier.
Use your character to make a poster.
You can do puppet shows by either reading the book...or by making up your own stories about Melvin and Muffin!
Sock Puppets
Ask a grown up for a sock that you can use. Glue your Melvin or Muffin face print out onto the sock for a fun sock puppet.
Paper Bag Puppets
Reuse and repurpose a paper lunch bag or larger grocery bag by taping or gluing a Melvin or Muffin face print out to it for a paper bag puppet.
Stick Puppets
Use a craft stick, tongue depressor, or rod and attach it to the back of your Melvin or Muffin face print out, after you color it, to make a stick puppet.